We all know Lady Gaga as the vocal icon of previous generations, but I’m beginning to believe that title is slowly leaving her name. Between her struggles with mental and physical health and changes to her voice, I am starting to think that Gaga’s time of fame has come and gone.
Don’t get me wrong, we have all heard Gaga in her prime. From albums like “Born This Way” to more recent ones like “Chromatica,” Gaga has always set the stage in music with her iconic and impressive manipulations of her voice and sound. However, recently, I have been feeling underwhelmed by her sound.
Her newest album “Mayhem” reflects the troubles she has been dealing with internally. This is evident in the depiction of multiple selves in the music video for song number two on the album, “Abracadabra.” While I will compliment her on the catchiness of all the songs on this album, they do become very repetitive. Unfortunately, I don’t see much diversity within the sounds produced on this album. I would describe many of the songs on “Mayhem” as bland, leaving me with a sense of confusion as to whether Gaga is even enjoying her career anymore. She seems to be run down and has lost the spark she once had in previous albums and greatest hits like “Born This Way” and “Poker Face.”
Her voice also sounds very different from her previous albums. Some sources are speculating that injury or injury prevention might be influencing her new voice. Lady Gaga has always been known for pushing the limits within music and sound, which was the foundation of her fame and iconic status. But now, I feel she is stepping back and playing it safe.
Overall, I feel “Mayhem” could have been better executed with more diversity in sound between songs and lyrics. Her voice seems very monotone while singing, creating a bland listening experience. It left me feeling very underwhelmed and brought a sense of forgettability to her album—something Lady Gaga has never been known for before. Gaga has always been remembered for her boundary-pushing style, but now, I feel she is being overshadowed by other artists due to her change in musical direction and sound.