Officials from SUNY Brockport sent out an email on April 5 notifying students that the school may soon be able to offer the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine to any student who wants it. The announcement came after all New Yorkers over the age of 16 became eligible for the vaccine. A survey was sent with the email to determine the need for vaccines.
This is all part of the school’s effort to vaccinate students before they go home, and in hopes of a somewhat normal fall semester.
The one-time shot would be administered on campus to make it more easily accessible to students.
This is all contingent on the New York State Department of Health’s approval of the college’s request for the vaccine. Students seem to be hopeful that the school is taking steps to curb the spread of the virus, and others are skeptical.

Hannah Jang, a senior at SUNY Brockport majoring in medical technology, says she is excited for the students who might choose to receive the vaccine — but she would prefer either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine over Johnson & Johnson.
“Yeah it’s definitely exciting that it’s a step closer to getting back to normal, but personally I wouldn’t want the J&J vaccine,” said Jang. “If that’s the only thing that’s available, I get it. But a vaccine that’s only sixty something percent effective when there are others with much higher rates of efficacy is beyond me.”
Studies show that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is only 66.3% effective compared to Pfizer’s 96% and Moderna’s 94.1%. It’s also only recommended for people over the age of 18. Senior Gianna LaMay, a healthcare administration student, says this is better than nothing.
“I think it’s great news for returning students, and it’s definitely better than nothing.” said LaMay. “If this is what’s going to get the campus closer to how it was pre-covid quicker, I’m all for it. Sure I might rather get a different vaccine, but at least people have the choice about which they want if they want it at all. It’s a nice effort from the school.”
While it’s still on the table whether or not the vaccine will be offered in the coming days, the request itself symbolizes a step toward normalcy for SUNY Brockport.
More updates will be provided when they become available.